Title from the Robot Ate Me. (MySpace)
The sun came through the kitchen window
exactly how good ch'i doesn't through our home.
It was bright and loud and hurt like a bitch,
or like you smacking me with open palms and asking,
"What happened to the God damn cashews?"
You quivered with the rage of some ancient, merciless deity
when I stared blankly and declared,
"They ate themselves."
The sun came through the kitchen window
exactly how good ch'i doesn't through our home.
It was bright and loud and hurt like a bitch,
or like you smacking me with open palms and asking,
"What happened to the God damn cashews?"
You quivered with the rage of some ancient, merciless deity
when I stared blankly and declared,
"They ate themselves."
1 comment:
that's awesome, caleb
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